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How To Stay Fit Without The Gym

How To Stay Fit Without The Gym

The rapid spike of COVID-19 cases us wondering? Will things ever return to normal? For sure, there are activities that need to take a backseat as part of following health protocols and one of which is staying at home as much as possible. Yeah, it can be sad when you're cooped up in your room, especially now that springtime is fast approaching. 

With the holidays taking a toll on our figure, we really need to get moving to stay in shape. But what if you can't hit the gym? Not a problem because there are great ways you can stay active-at home!

6 Ways to Stay Active At Home 

1. Watch workout videos. 

Whatever your idea of breaking a sweat, having a workout video handy does the trick. Whether you're into HIIT, aerobics, or low-intensity exercises, there's always a video that suits your level of fitness. Wanna try Tabatha? You'll be sweating like crazy in merely 8 minutes. But if you're not into high-intensity exercises, there are Zumba or walk-at-home you can try. 

2. Walk when possible. 

Who says you need to go outside to go for a walk? You can do it from the comfort of your home or yard. Even a short walk can make wonders for your health. If you've been sedentary, consider walking 15 minutes every day, until you improve your fitness level. 

3. Use the stairs more often. 

It's no fun to take the stairs, but if you're serious with your fitness goals, you might want to take the stairs as often as you can. Walk up and down the stairs of your apartment building or house s you can burn more calories every day. 

4. Use light dumbbells.

Light dumbbells, jump rope, or a stability ball can be a great home-workout companion. This basic fitness equipment can help you stay toned, but don't forget to watch your diet as well. The rule of thumb is 80% diet and 20% exercise. 

5. Be creative. 

Get creative with your home fitness. There are many physical activities you can try that will help you stay active like box squats, step ups, curls, and much more. You can even do yoga at home. It's a good exercise for relaxing and clearing your mind. 

6. Turn housework into exercise. 

You might have been doing housework for quite sometime, but you're probably not aware of its benefits to your body. Doing housework can burn a good amount of calories depending on your weight and your level of intensity. So if you want to hit two birds with one stone, clean your house and burn those unwanted calories. 

These MINISO Products Are Your Perfect Home Workout Companion:

Yoga Non-Slip Exercise Mat

Yoga Resistance Band For Strength Training 

Abdominal Exercise Wheel 

Three-Cross Jelly Expander Arm Muscle Exerciser

Resistance Bands Rubber Expander 

The pandemic shouldn't deter you from getting fit. Kick off your fitness routines with these equipment. 

Have you started a fitness routine yet? Let us know how it goes. 

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